
In April 2011 we watched the wedding of William and Kate crowded around a television in a B&B in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Today we watched Harry and Megan’s extraordinarily powerful ceremony from our holiday apartment in Split, Croatia.

In the way that many institutions are brought kicking and screaming into the 17th century by particular events, today’s wedding marks an inclusiveness, a joyousness and a hopefulness that could, if there is the will and the love, afford some small but positive change in society.

“If human beings ever harness the energies of love, then for the second time in history, we will have discovered fire.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The question of how to live a life of love in the situations we find ourselves in is a beautiful challenge.

One Comment

  1. You may have some of this comment already but at the risk of repeating myself, the poignancy of all these place names is sharp evoking, as it does, ‘theatres of war’ in the 20th century and in the introduction of a new term, ‘ethnic cleansing’ to our lexicography in the 90s. To see a country recovering so quickly from all that gives hope for human resilience.
    Then – the wedding. The beauty of the buildings and of the bodies of the rich, are stunning but the fact that a woman of intelligence and standing eagerly shackles herself to an institution of unearned fabulous privilege and the serfs who turn out in their hundreds and thousands to cheer Rolls Royces as they flash by whilst they are actually paying for a huge part of the pageant is forever a mystery to me – although I do love the theatre of the whole thing (and the bride was a pretty creditable actor throughout). All this was subsumed by the pure sincerity and passion of the wee black archbishop. Everyone – including me- was smiling. The older members of the royal family looked stunned but, from Charlie down they were vainly trying to keep their upper lips stiff – it was great and wonderful in that ancient and beautiful setting.
    Keep on enjoying this great journey. As always, I am loving the posts.



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